12:17 am
Clues are up
12:20 am
ty lickety
4:21 am
Oh, an Irish word passes Enable's acceptable rule
6:33 am
good morning all. help with the N pleae
6:34 am
Molly, what are the stats for the Irish word please
6:53 am
Lone n is ne4
7:00 am
ty for ne4. no idea re pi7 tho
7:02 am
found the pi7 thanks
9:00 am
top row grey!
9:03 am
phantom: staid
9:10 am
name that proper noun! cereal that comes in rice, corn, or wheat, as well as with other stuff in a Mix
9:16 am
ding ding ding!!!
9:22 am
I need a 3rd D. I have 2 di4s.
9:23 am
Of course, a long word.
9:25 am
well tis one of the most normal of the 7s
9:25 am
Does it start with the common prefix?
9:25 am
no, it's compound.
9:26 am
i'm still struggling to find this irish pi7, been trying to end with "agh" but not having any luck
9:26 am
Got it. TY.
9:35 am
morewords to the rescue
9:36 am
hokie carla
little help?
9:37 am
hokie carla
oh, there's a national forest in the grid
9:39 am
hokie carla
also can't find the ap7. keep seeing a phantom aphasia
9:40 am
hokie carla
I am petitish, why does enable not accept me??
9:46 am
ap7 is the older spelling of the sleep problem, pl
9:47 am
hokie carla
ah, thanks
9:47 am
pi + a letter + pig + a vowel
9:47 am
hokie carla
9:47 am
hokie carla
well, I thought that was all the 7s for me but still need one
9:48 am
hokie carla
oh, I typed in ap6 and not the 7
9:48 am
hokie carla
now 7s are done
9:48 am
hokie carla
can't find any left G and struggling with middle col o's
9:49 am
hokie carla
ok, now ok on the O's
9:56 am
ge5 and 6 is a particular sail, also a city in Italy
9:57 am
hokie carla
or think Young & the Restless, thanks
9:58 am
i know approximately zero about soap operas
10:00 am
hokie carla
well,I know you didn't watch as much tv as I did when I was a kid. I had an older brother who watched Y&R and got me into it, and then later my neighbor & I watched that and Bold & the Beautiful and Santa Barbara. latchkey kids.
10:00 am
in our house, soap operas in particular were considered trashy
10:01 am
hokie carla
at one point my neighbor got a radio that played tv stations and we would take it to the pool in the summer and listen to them so we wouldn't miss anything.
10:01 am
This trashy latchkey kid watched All My Children.
10:01 am
hokie carla
I think in any house soap operas were incredibly trashy
10:01 am
hokie carla
hey ori
10:01 am
Hi hokie
10:02 am
hokie carla
my grandmother used to call them her stories. "my stories are on"
10:02 am
not even in the like "ooh this is appealing because it's forbidden way"... i would have looked down on myself if i had watched soap operas. we should probably study the psychology of how my parents achieved that so we could expand it to broader parenting purposes.
10:03 am
hokie carla
if it makes you feel better I tried to get back into them after I became a stay at home mom and just couldn't
10:03 am
i don't feel bad about it lol
10:04 am
hokie carla
Y&R is one of the few ones left. My SIL still watches it when she gets home from work so my brother still knows a general idea of what's going on.
10:04 am
i do think there are certain things that if you don't try them before a certain age, you will never like them. like sugary cereals. my mom never bought them. one day when i was like 13 we got a sample pack of 6 cereals in the mail. when i tried a sugary one i was like, "people EAT this for BREAKFAST??"
10:05 am
hokie carla
I still love a good bowl of sugary cereal
10:05 am
but you had them prior to age 13 i suppose?
10:06 am
hokie carla
fyi, I'm pretty sure I used to drink coke out of a baby bottle, so yeah
10:07 am
hokie carla
and my brothers are 9 and 4 years older than me, so they were mostly in charge of me after my mom went back to work when I started K
10:08 am
i hope they were nice to you
10:08 am
hokie carla
which is how I got to watch things like Fri the 13th when I was like 8
10:09 am
hokie carla
uhhh, the middle one & I fought a lot but I guess they were okay most of the time.
10:11 am
hokie carla
we had a lot of neighbors and played a lot of group sports like baseball and football. and then there were board games and video games and Barbies (with my one neighbor). good times.
10:13 am
hokie carla
10:15 am
hokie carla
0-1-2 all 4th row
10:19 am
hokie carla
interestingly, the irish word (alt sp here btw) is a synonym for hex
10:26 am
seems to be a straight forward grid.
10:40 am
I don't think enjoying soap operas should be looked down on.
10:41 am
Or trashy
10:46 am
hokie carla
definitely trashy but not as trashy as some reality tv
10:46 am
hokie carla
H O P left here
10:47 am
days of our lives had a large following in the student union at college. lots of people scheduled their classes around it.
10:57 am
hokie carla
my mom watched that before she went back to work. I still remember "like sands through the hourglass".
11:05 am
found your h, caral
11:30 am
... and done ... may I offer any clues for anyone? ...
11:32 am
ah well ... must be off ... luck to all who continue the struggle ....
12:06 pm
ap 7/14, second one, pls
12:13 pm
ap 7 like a monkey
12:14 pm
I have ap 5s but not 7s. Hmmm. And then mean monkey like
12:16 pm
I need clues for 6s and 7s. I have none. Help welcome
12:17 pm
I'm sorry. I must have been napping.
12:19 pm
AP6 play on sleep problem
12:19 pm
and then plural
12:20 pm
Ty got the ap 6 and 7. Ty.
12:21 pm
Just need a clue for the H in second column. Ty
12:22 pm
6 sided shaped
12:22 pm
Super clue. Ty
12:23 pm
Done for the day. See you tomorrow
12:23 pm
2 in one for both of your asks
12:35 pm
hokie carla
bea is gone and took my H with her
1:15 pm
I'm missing one word from each H
1:20 pm
hokie carla
I have HOP left, all 4th row. 0-1-2
1:20 pm
hokie carla
HE7 and all the other H I have are 4's, seain
1:21 pm
me too. hm.
1:22 pm
hokie carla
did you remember the scottish one today?
1:22 pm
hokie carla
or both h4's in the set of anagrams?
1:23 pm
I just 'ha6' upon that word from the left H
1:23 pm
hokie carla
was just going to say mine has to be 5 or 6 on the left H
1:24 pm
hokie carla
got it, thanks
1:24 pm
ah, found the last H I needed. :)
1:25 pm
still 32 to go
1:25 pm
hokie carla
1:25 pm
hokie carla
oh, found my P. now O6 left.
1:27 pm
hokie carla
and I got nothing
1:29 pm
hokie carla
looked at the list. not obvious yet.
1:29 pm
just monkeyed it. probably from greek.
1:29 pm
thank you for that.
1:31 pm
hokie carla
well, I've made up a lot of words that look greek to me but nothing, so I will look it up.
1:32 pm
hokie carla
oh, it's geology
1:32 pm
that makes sense.
1:33 pm
also a former religious sect, apparently.
1:34 pm
hokie carla
yeah, snake worshippers, always fun
1:35 pm
There was a snake-handling, speak-in-tongues congregation in my home town called the Pine Grove Free Will Baptist Church.
1:36 pm
hokie carla
we definitely had them in the county
1:38 pm
hokie carla
but my home town it is less than 2 sq miles, so I would've known if there was one in the town.
1:38 pm
most where I grew up attended Mormon, Catholic, mainstream Baptist, or UMC.
1:39 pm
it's kinda surprising to me how much louder it is here in the basement when the HVAC is running.
1:40 pm
hokie carla
we had one UMC and 2 baptist churches in my town. one first baptist and I'm not sure what the other was classified as. it was off the main road so I didn't see it much.
1:41 pm
hokie carla
I never met a catholic or a jewish person until college.
1:41 pm
60% of all Jews in the DC area live here in Northern VA, and are less observant than the ones in DC and MD.
1:43 pm
that I know of, there are two Reform, one Reconstructionist, and one Conservative Jewish congregation in my area.
1:44 pm
and zero kosher markets. but lots of halal ones.
2:15 pm
72 Temple Owl
2:19 pm
72 Temple Owl
hello, dan
2:19 pm
hello everyone :)
2:43 pm
pi7 please?
2:49 pm
looked it up -- no def --- an angry pig maybe?
2:53 pm
An Irish word for a spell, charm, or hex
2:55 pm
Yayyyyy!! FW and no Klingon words today!!(●'◡'●)
3:19 pm
to do what?
3:19 pm
(covering for pen)
3:22 pm
Sorry….on ipad and the cursor has a life of its own…
3:40 pm
i curse a lot too pen
3:55 pm
Stalled at 13….need a break…bye all….
4:41 pm
good golly, it really is amazing how much time you can waste dealing with an uncooperative printer
5:49 pm
Need a clue for my last one, he 7/60?
5:49 pm
It's a shape
5:50 pm
Smh...it was right in front of me, thank you Gillie, FW! Woo hoo!
5:53 pm
hullow all
6:36 pm
Hi jes. I’m not having much luck so far but do have nbs
8:44 pm
Anyone around?…i am missing an HA 6….last word…
8:46 pm
Nm…..found it….i am done….goodnight all….