12:00 am
hello everyone
12:10 am
finally. found some birds
12:11 am
and a feline
12:17 am
Clues are up
12:21 am
thanks, lickety
12:23 am
and a flower
12:36 am
and a mammal ("diurnal omnivore related to the raccoon")
12:38 am
Not to mention the amphibian
12:40 am
phantom topcat
12:41 am
I've seen those little omnivores. They are NASTY!
4:52 am
clue for the first ti 6 plz
4:52 am
4:53 am
goes up to top corner
4:54 am
oops.. already had that, looking for the one bfore it
4:55 am
oh there is one before it!! Havent got that yet!
4:56 am
yes, its a hard one ..lol
4:59 am
aaaahhh! there a children game usually has a third word with it
5:01 am
sorry!! Game sometimes called noughts and crosses
5:02 am
and I'm not ti5!!
5:18 am
Here in the good ole us of A those are breath mints
5:23 am
omg. so easy it was hard lol ty
6:18 am
hello all
6:34 am
good morning all
6:40 am
Good morning.
6:41 am
Yikes, look at the time. I need to go get my pre-op bloodwork done. See you later.
6:46 am
have a good weekend?
6:46 am
mostly, yes
6:47 am
kicked off the new pathfinder campaign, and hung out and watched Now You See Me since Tom hadn't seen it before
7:35 am
hi mael
7:37 am
hmm, why is taoist not a word?
7:38 am
I guess, though atheist and theist and the like all work
7:38 am
but those are generic, yeah
7:40 am
but no, because dadaist would work! I guess it's just enable picking and choosing as usual :)
7:47 am
If there can be a dadaist, why not a dodoist 😊
7:48 am
fan of extinct birds
7:49 am
I thought daith would be there, like the piercing
8:26 am
the Tao is proper, so Taoist, like Christian, is proper. an atheist or theist are based on the concept "there is no god" or "there is some kind of god" from greek roots. a dadaist is a person who does a kind of art which maybe they didn't want to make proper for anti-establishment sorts of reasons? and a dodoist would be ... what, the people who are trying to bring that bird back from extinction? lol
8:29 am
if enable were updated annually, do you think "catio" would be in the dictionary by now?
8:30 am
Haha. Do you have a catio for your cats?
8:30 am
no... i don't even have a permanent home to add one to
8:31 am
'morning, hursh and scrabs
8:31 am
morning welki, how are you?
8:32 am
i'm well, thanks - you?
8:32 am
oh, scrabbler, i have a question - if i have a bunch of blood drawn tomorrow for medical tests, can i still donate blood the next day or is that NG?
8:32 am
Scrabs, when is your surgery?
8:32 am
i'm alright, thanks welki :)
8:33 am
hello, welki.
8:33 am
welki, you are having quite an adventure. When will you return to the great north?
8:34 am
towards the end of this week, scrabs - it's been great
8:34 am
Bea, it is on 2/14. My orthopedist will be my valentine.
8:34 am
Will keep you in my thoughts.
8:35 am
missing that corner lone O - anybody have a clue?
8:36 am
TY. I am fine when I don't think about it.
8:36 am
i'm glad you're able to get the surgery quickly (relative to the decision to have it) - at home, i received a call to schedule the surgery more than three years after we'd asked for it. by then, didn't make much sense to have it
8:36 am
oo6, add a body lump
8:36 am
That is terrible, welki.
8:37 am
between the 'normal' lag time and covid, surgery schedules are really messed up
8:38 am
3 years. holy cow
8:38 am
yeah, it sucks. but at least when it seizes in the middle of the night and i have to change position to stop the pain, i know i'm alive :)
8:39 am
gotta run to class. 44 for later.
8:39 am
<--- asked a blood question at 8:32
8:39 am
i hope you have the speediest recovery and rehab, scrabs - get you back on the trails this summer
8:40 am
I'm sure there is catspit out there somewhere
8:42 am
Oops, I missed that Hurshy. You should be fine to donate blood. Basic bloodwork probably is 30 ml at the most. You can donate 240 ml more.
8:44 am
well the doctor put like 8 tests, but, hopefully that is still ok
8:45 am
Can't donate blood. Hemoglobin too low
8:45 am
Your hemoglobin will be checked before the donation.
8:45 am
are you referring to yourself bichon?
8:49 am
I need to go shopping for my mother.
8:50 am
ttfn scrabs!
8:50 am
phantom: attach
8:53 am
right column grey!
8:53 am
anyone know what the 8 is?
8:56 am
di8.55, hurshy
8:58 am
ooh got it
8:58 am
didn't think that was going to work
8:58 am
yw, fw here.. Happy Babbling!
8:59 am
ty, fun grid today
9:08 am
how about 7s? i have to7... anyone have others?
9:13 am
similar word... ;o)
9:13 am
is it? hmm
9:13 am
well not in meaning...
9:14 am
ahh then maybe it is similar to the to7 i don't have lol
9:14 am
similar to one of them....not in meaning....
9:17 am
Kaplan the Magne
Yesterday it was ago, a slur against Italians, today it's yi4, dictionary says an offensive slur. Could Dr God not find another dictionary to attach to? Neither of these words have any other meaning in this dictionary.
9:17 am
Kaplan the Magne
Yesterday "ago" I mean.
9:17 am
Kaplan the Magne
9:18 am
ahhh i totally failed to notice that that ending was here!
9:20 am
Kaplan the Magne
here's another one, sp4 or spik, spick
[ spik ]SHOW IPA
💼 Post-College Level
noun Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive.
a contemptuous term used to refer to a Spanish American person.
9:21 am
Kaplan the Magne
Maybe I'll write to Dr God and ask why he feels the need to use Enable.
9:22 am
he's not going to care kaplan. he puts no effort into this game any longer
9:22 am
i'd have to say the reality is that doc isn't going to change the dictionary at this point. especially since half of us don't see it as a problem. so like, all you're doing is drawing attention to these words that probably a lot of people don't even realize are slurs, but just think of as babblets whose meaning they don't know.
9:22 am
Kaplan the Magne
am I the only one bothered by this?
9:23 am
not the only one, no, but it's not like everyone agrees with you either. idk the percents, hence my guesstimate of half.
9:23 am
Kaplan the Magne
I mean, as a Kid.
9:23 am
they are no words I ever use, but I don't worry about them in this game.. in the real world that's a different story
9:23 am
exactly, ruru
9:23 am
Kaplan the Magne
9:23 am
it honestly doesn't bother me for a word searchy game like this. They're just words here; not applied to any individual in any way.
9:25 am
those words are all legal in Scrabble
9:26 am
in the end, a person can take offense at anything at all, or someone could try to take offense on behalf of someone else, to the point where it's impossible to have a vocabulary in a language. It's a hairline balance between appropriateness and oversensitivity
9:27 am
i mean, the word "rape" bothers me more than the c-word... but obviously i know that they aren't going to leave the word out of the dictionary
9:27 am
Kaplan the Magne
Not everyone has to agree with me about what? That these are listed as offensive ethnic slurs? They may be counted in scrabble,
9:27 am
we don't agree with you that it is a problem for them to be in the dictionary or for that dictionary to be used in word games.
9:27 am
(not that I'm trying to be preachy, just my perspective as a linguist)
9:28 am
I agree Kiani
9:28 am
Kaplan the Magne
Rape is not a specificracial or ethnic slur.
9:28 am
as i said last time we talked about this, the dictionary only describes. it does not suggest that they are good ... just that they exist.
9:28 am
i do too kiani.. that was very well said
9:28 am
hokie carla
I doubt very much that dr. god will be able to find a free word list or online dictionary that has these removed, and he's not putting any money into this game and he only puts the bare minimum in to keep it running.
9:29 am
(you owe me a coke hokie)
9:30 am
72 Temple Owl
i play word wipe and it is maddening what thy deem offensive and sanitize. as if deleting a word like rape makes it go away.
9:30 am
exactly, TO
9:30 am
72 Temple Owl
but there are words more innocuous that they omit
9:30 am
Kaplan the Magne
I think these words may be endemic to the dictionary, but it is a fact that they are racial and ethnic slurs with no other possible meaning. Deserves to be noticed.
9:31 am
kaplan, it's not that we think you have to agree with us, by the way. we just think that realistically, you're not accomplishing anything by bringing this up repeatedly.
9:31 am
is it better that we all have our attention drawn to the fact that the y4 is a slur against Jews or is it better if, like me, people just enter the word without thinking about that meaning at all?
9:31 am
hokie carla
and FTR, I just tried sp4 and dago in the scrabble online dictionary and both were not in there. so it's possible they scrubbed the scrabble dictionary, but that won't change the early 2000s enable list that this game is attached to.
9:32 am
72 Temple Owl
however, if one has no heritage tracing to the offensive ethnic words, it is easy to say that those of that hertitage should not be offended. i see their point
9:32 am
no, I have used them, I play on ISC
9:33 am
hokie carla
I'd rather keep playing this game than have him shut it down because someone keeps complaining about the obviously offensive word list. and there are slurs toward everyone included, so at least enable is an equal opportunity offender.
9:36 am
hokie carla
PS - Kap, do not watch the new Netflix movie, You People. I watched last night and not only is it terrible, I think it would be very offensive to jewish people.
9:36 am
It's pretty obnoxious
9:36 am
completely changing the subject - I group chat at work with the sole purpose of sharing cat pics. Three more people just joined and paid the cat-tax. Yay cats!
9:37 am
hokie carla
LOL, not a cat person
9:37 am
well, but I assume you can still appreciate cute animal photos
9:37 am
Speaking of which, is the CA7 feline related?
9:38 am
<--- angel who happens to look like a cat
9:38 am
hokie carla
yes, of course, kiani
9:38 am
:) nice hurshy
9:38 am
Well, it's not a feline's vomit (catspue). :D
9:38 am
ok phew hokie, got scared there for a second lol
9:39 am
Ah hah - found it. Thanks :D
9:39 am
here is an example. on saturday night she was cutely batting at a laptop cord. then she started to try biting it. i said, "no rilla, that's not ok". she immediately stopped. sat back on her haunches and looked at me as if to say, "oh, i'm sorry, i didn't know." now you must admit that is not normal cat behavior.
9:39 am
hokie carla
I used to catsit for 2 different neighbors when I was a teenager. one of the cats would come over and hang out with me when they were gone. He'd climb on my stomach and push around with his paws.
9:40 am
happy biscuits
9:40 am
they do that when they are kittens on their mom's tummy to make the milk flow, hokie. so it's a comfort thing.
9:42 am
my ex used to say making muffins
9:43 am
a lot of ppl say biscuits. i think bread would be better, because with biscuits, if you knead them too much they will come out badly.
9:44 am
muffins are more like cake... you don't knead them at all, it's liquidy batter
9:45 am
unless your ex is british and meant (english) muffins
9:51 am
nope.. my ex is jewish
9:54 am
you can be jewish and british, lol
9:55 am
no.. like from Long Island Jewish
9:55 am
so she's american (or he...)
9:55 am
she's an american
9:56 am
who's never made muffins
9:56 am
apparently. I did all the cooking around the house
10:02 am
very nice grid today for once.. have a great day everyone
10:10 am
morning all
10:48 am
ti , first one, pls/
10:55 am
Breath mint
11:12 am
hokie carla
is the bottom left o an OO?
11:28 am
yes, carla....
11:28 am
hokie carla
thanks pen, how many letters? have just about exhausted everything. found a 5/6 from the upper one.
11:29 am
you tack that to another word....
11:30 am
hokie carla
hmm, okay. will look, thx
11:30 am
i meant tack the OO to another word...
11:31 am
hokie carla
I thought that's what you meant. trying to get the points right.
11:35 am
, plsad /
11:36 am
, plssorry ad /
11:36 am
ad 6/39, pls
11:37 am
hokie carla
seems like it has to have the x in it
11:38 am
it has a 4/7 word...
11:38 am
hokie carla
well this is not my day for seeing words
11:38 am
Kaplan the Magne
Going back a bit- I just had a dance class- bringing my issue up repeatedly may not accomplish anything, so is it better to being up the slurs- which cover many groups, or let them go by. Certainly many people are not aware of the meaning of the words. That's all. It's an alert, like needle case alert. Something to be aware of. I'm not sure of the origin of Twat- if it's in Balzac or Chaucer, or Shakespeare. Fuck is I think a germanic word meaning to plant a seed. So I'm going out to fuck my garden.
11:38 am
bichon.....don't have it....will look....
11:39 am
i must bid you AD6
11:39 am
ty, eva...
11:40 am
Kaplan the Magne
I don't see a lot of words here. either
11:41 am
hokie carla
that's def not 6/39 though
11:41 am
hokie carla
pen said it didn't have an x, but it does
11:41 am
not my OO word...
11:41 am
i think Pen was referring to the OO word
11:42 am
hokie carla
oh, I was answering bichon when I said it had the x
11:42 am
hokie carla
well, those 3 A's helped me get to half on the A, so merci
11:43 am
Kaplan the Magne
11:43 am
Kaplan the Magne
11:43 am
hokie carla
and that "clue" helped me get 3 t's for half
11:44 am
Kaplan the Magne
Oh Yeah- the x.
11:44 am
hokie carla
so now the oo6 is my last tile for HOET
11:46 am
hokie carla
11:46 am
hokie carla
didn't see the 4 within it until just now
11:48 am
hokie carla
well, 41 left. TTFN
11:48 am
hokie carla
11:49 am
15 left here....
11:49 am
need ad 6/39
11:50 am
yes, bichon...same word as the other ad 6....just add a high point letter at the end....
11:50 am
at the end of the five, that is...
11:52 am
I see. tyvm
11:59 am
11:59 am
12:13 pm
i am down to 7...each starts with a different letter....still missing two 4s....
12:16 pm
any DH words?
12:24 pm
down to 5....taking another break....bye all...
12:45 pm
hello all, just back from a trip to Costco. A friend is a member
12:46 pm
help with corner O please
12:47 pm
A growth on an egg, sort of
12:48 pm
stats please
12:48 pm
Double letter than a word for a big pimple (sort of)
12:48 pm
12:49 pm
no idea
12:50 pm
A fluid filled pustule for the last four letters
12:51 pm
got it ty
12:54 pm
Costco gives me a headache
12:56 pm
it is overwhelming indeed
12:57 pm
I only go once or twice a year.
12:57 pm
help with the 8 please
1:03 pm
looking for the di8
1:04 pm
but not seeing
1:14 pm
di 8 is an extension of di 6
3:11 pm
di6 ends with what a doctor puts around a broken bone
3:13 pm
thanks molly, my brain was not in a twisty turbulent mode.
3:23 pm
good afternoon everyone
3:24 pm
ty for the di word molly. My brain is no longer inventive enough for this game
3:24 pm
Guess I need to be inventiver :D
3:25 pm
lol. as well should I, nan
3:27 pm
my brain said that ta4 should be there! I still couldn't see it!
3:33 pm
I want that phantom itch to be real -- and all the words that end with it
3:42 pm
break time
4:22 pm
Kaplan the Magne
Dilemma. A few of you have heard me over the past few days point out the racial slurs. I really like working the grid; it relaxes me. Some have suggested that I am over-sensitive, or paying attention to things that are not really relevant. It is hard for me to not notice and be "triggered" by certain words, given the vulnerability I feel in the USA and indeed worldwide. Do the question for me is whether to play something that doesn't present me with kids, Lagos, spics and hebes every other day? Anti-Semitic and racial violence is present in ways that I have never seen before. An attack on a synagogue was thwarted today. Most people have said Dr. God is not invested in Babble anymore. I am also offended by twat and cunt. DIckwad hasn't come up as a word. And the infamous N word that no one can say is never here. What would you do if you were me? If words about Italians, Jews and Latin came up every day during a dangerous time in history? My choice is to ignore, quit, or voice an alert to note that there is an ethnic slur in the grid. I have been doing the latter. I think people should at least be aware that yes, these are words, and yes, they are derogatory toward vulnerable groups.
4:26 pm
Kaplan the Magne
For me, I feel ok just pointing it out and having it be acknowledged.
4:27 pm
Kaplan the Magne
It's educational, not accusatory.
4:28 pm
Thank you for sharing your dilemma Kaplan. I think you opinion is valid. I think you should do what makes you feel the most comfortable. To me, it is a word game and I am just filling in the words. Some are not my favorite, but I find Enable a ridiculous outdated source to use for words anyway. I do not tolerate many of those words in my day to day conversations, but they do not bother me here to the point of discomfort.
4:29 pm
Kaplan the Magne
Lately it's been bothering me more.
4:31 pm
Kaplan the Magne
Well the same people who were here earlier are not hear now, and I don't want to be a bore. But some people are now aware that "to Jew" is not a verb, so just pointing it out would make be feel safer.
4:32 pm
Kaplan the Magne
I don't know if this is a White space. Words with friends seems more diverse but it is now filled with trolls.
4:32 pm
Kaplan the Magne
Holy typo, Batman!
4:34 pm
I agree Kap. I've spent my life describing myself as a red-headed step-child (because I was before I was orphaned, lol). I guess I just realize I can't make everything "as I'd like it to be" so it's a matter of how offensive you find such. If too much, you do have the option of not continuing to use the site? I don't want that to happen for you. I have taken exception on some coments or accepted words but have learned that they're just stupid things that don't offend others... we're becoming more and more of a society of acceptance. *shrug* There is no one here that I personally know but I've seen most babblers in my association w/the game (I think 2005?). it is what it is. There are many things I won't say that I can still type for the points, lol
4:36 pm
Kaplan the Magne
You were orphaned?
4:36 pm
I am now. Later in life, such as things go.
4:36 pm
So, no, didn't grow up that way but sometimes felt I was.
4:37 pm
Kaplan, thank you so much for speaking up. I agree with you 100%, and I try to be aware of trigger words. It takes many, many people to speak up and be heard when it comes to language. Words we would not dream of using today were commonplace in my parent's time, until enough people pointed those words out as offensive. For what it's worth, my hope is you won't leave the game but continue to speak out -- perhaps by contacting Dr. God about the Enable dictionary. That said, if you feel unsafe here, your well being comes first. You take care of you.
4:39 pm
Kap, I’msorry that these words are triggering to you & others. I used to play Babble every day for years, but there have been times when chat got personal or my life got crazy & I quit for a while (I’m starting back up again after being away for almost 2 years again). As a senior citizen who has spent most of my life in basically a “white christian” (however you wish to interpret that) area of the US, I’moffended by some of the words that I’ve seen here & in a few other word games, but I either purposely don’t enter them or enter them & move on. Like car.ee, I don’t use anyof the words I find offensive here & I expect others to refrain from them also around me (even my son respects that rule).
When chat becomes heated, I enlarge the grid so I can’t see it or I close the game.
4:39 pm
CH1212 Yes! I just deleted my message because your wording is so much better.
4:39 pm
Kaplan the Magne
I like Babbel. People this morning told me Dr God doesn't care and is not invested. So I would like to just be able to say "Ethnic slur alert!" and leave it at that.
4:41 pm
Kaplan the Magne
Welcome back Nee! I remember you! I remember the chat getting nasty at times, could never understand why.
4:42 pm
That works for me, Kap. I sometimes don’t even realize some words are ethnic slurs (because of the way I was raised & still may not have heard them).
4:43 pm
Kaplan the Magne
I know, some people are simply not familiar.
4:45 pm
Thanks for the welcome back, Kap
4:46 pm
Kaplan the Magne
Yr welcome, nee. How's tricks?
4:47 pm
Kaplan the Magne
Babble. Babbel is the language learning center.
4:48 pm
Dr God (Jamie) has always responded quickly as far as keeping things up and running. I just don't think he has enough "backing - $$ - desire" to keep up with obsolete programming on a regular basis. *shrug* this platform is a wonderful place to stretch your brain and "meet" people you will never really know, lol. If I were he (assumption on my part, could as easily be she) I'd be considering a yearly fee instead of the one time upgrade fee... Of course, we should all be grandfathered, lol.
4:49 pm
I’m still hanging in there. Dear hubs has dementia now, it’s “interesting” to say the least. Yesterday he accidently started a fire on top of the stove, today he lost a hearing aid. (Fun & games in the big city, as they say).
4:49 pm
Kaplan the Magne
Ha ha- is God a he or a she? Or neither? Now we are discussing religious philosophy.
4:50 pm
Kaplan the Magne
Getting older is not for kids.
4:57 pm
Sorry to hear, Nef. It's a slippery slope. Lost my mom to that going on 10 years ago. I pray you have assistance.
4:58 pm
Kaplan the Magne
4:58 pm
phantom = ricotta
4:59 pm
Kaplan the Magne
sorry. I got handed a Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 3a last week. I got the labs before having a chance to talk to MD.
4:59 pm
Kaplan the Magne
oh- gotta go.
5:00 pm
with ya, kap. i'm borderline. waiting for next checkup to see what's what.
5:01 pm
We are in a senior living residence, our kids arein the city, and I have made a number of friends (older widows) here who have gone through this before me so that helps.
It’s suppertime now, so I need to go. I have 37 words left to find, so will be back.
5:01 pm
Kaplan, I am glad that you are here and I hear and understand how some words in the word list can be triggering. I don't chat as much as I used to but I still like seeing familiar names show up.
5:03 pm
LOL! I think Dr. God needs to figure out how to easily place a thumbs up in chog!
5:05 pm
please, someone fish smack me with the 2nd R from top left.
5:06 pm
should someone do it again?
5:09 pm
hi again - back to once more beat my head against the wall :)
5:10 pm
Can someone give me a clue for the first ti6,24?
5:11 pm
Breath mint
5:11 pm
ty molly
5:12 pm
ty Molly. You can slap me with amely's fish when she is done with it.
5:12 pm
Fireworks for me.
5:12 pm
this is waaaaay spidery, lol
5:12 pm
I got it, thanks!
5:13 pm
I think the whole fish slapping thing is kind of creepy, so I'll pass
5:13 pm
might leave a mark
5:16 pm
So maybe we should just clean up the fish, cut it up and put sushi in the penalty box.
5:17 pm
Except sushi is so ick
5:18 pm
thinking that's a brilliant idea... along with sake
5:18 pm
or saki, depends on dictionary
5:20 pm
and I don't do seafood, bleh! but most of my local folks have that preference... so just leave the sake/saki to me.
5:21 pm
aaaaaand, fish slap for the e. dur!
5:21 pm
I would take a slap with a lobster as long as it was fresh and I could cook it :)
5:22 pm
that'd leave a mark, too, lol.
5:23 pm
hopefully the bands would be on
5:23 pm
5:27 pm
going to list for last 30
5:27 pm
lobster, we do not have locally... crab? Oh, yeah... blue crab is a delicacy.
5:28 pm
think I'll join ya on nthat. i'm @ 29 and blind.
5:32 pm
I live in blue crab country and they are still sky high here
5:43 pm
*!*~*!* glad to be done :)
5:44 pm
anyone want clues?
5:45 pm
guess not -- off to see if I can continue my "3" streak at wordle
5:59 pm
molly, everything is sky high. it's crazy. we should be getting into crawfish seaason but... *shrug*
6:04 pm
Not everything. My salary is not going up to match the high food and fuel prices.
6:09 pm
Yes, you have me there.
7:05 pm
Do you have one of those bosses who insists that raising salaries just helps fuel inflation?
7:06 pm
Sorry, I guess that conversation was a while ago
10:35 pm
ugh. raising salaries allows us to spend and support the economy. Like from 1950-80
10:50 pm
I was going to get into the discussion about inflation but am too tired to discuss it clearly.
10:51 pm
I have 17 words left to find, all c’s & d’s. Blah!
11:01 pm
I'm here right now if anyone needs any clues.
11:04 pm
Hi Jacula. I have 7 D’s left, all 5’s & 6’s & I’msure I’ve tried every word I can make.
11:10 pm
Hi Nef. da5/16 = small white lawn flower with yellow centre. Di6/25 = di + word for actors in a play. Di5/14 = di + mixed up feline. Di5/16 = someone who is a bit 'blonde' and scatty. DI5/12 - means me as well. du6/30 means like a du4/7, all of whom who young ones were sung about by Mott the Hoople back in the 1970s. Hope that helps!
11:12 pm
Thanks Jac, I had most of those, but you did clue 2 I didn’t have. Down to 4 left now!
11:13 pm
di5/12 - plural of di4/5 before it.
11:14 pm
Thank you for that one too!
11:15 pm
I've gone through all the 5s and 6s now, so no idea what you still need.
11:16 pm
1 4 & 1 5 so probably an easy 1 & pl.
11:18 pm
da4/6 maybe? To run or to rush?
11:18 pm
Nope, had that. I’ll fill in Lickety & find them.
11:20 pm
Or perhaps an archaic past tense of di4/6 ending in the first letter of we Brits favourite hot drink?
11:21 pm
Okay, Nef. Good luck via Lickety. x
11:28 pm
Thank you Jacula, I was missing the 1st di 5& a simple di4/6 much farther down the list.
11:29 pm
Well done, Nef. Glad Lickety guided you to fireworks. x
11:35 pm
Waiting for the flip now.
11:57 pm
I just finished and am checking my icon. Hello Nef and Jacula.
11:57 pm
icon changed..good luck and good night
11:58 pm
hello all - coming up for 8am here
11:58 pm
Hi Westford. I'd rather be sleeping now but joint pain is not allowing it at present.
11:58 pm
5.58am here in UK ursh.